Android IOIO Wii Motion Plus – Gyroscopes

First of all, the more I work with Android, the more I love it … ! It’s so cool to have both Linux and Java and everything is so open and hackable … !

Wii Motion Plus connected to the IOIO board and then to the Android phone

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Wii Motion Plus gyros on LM3S8962 (I2C on CooCox)

After the initial discovery and a brief “hello world” on my new Arm Cortex M3 board using the CooCox environment, it’s now time for something more “involved”…

And because I’m still in the middle of my quadcopter project, and refactoring it to use the gyroscopes from a wii motion + , what better test than try to read these sensors from the new board ?

LM3S8962 with the Wii Motion Plus gyroscopes connected through I2C

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Wii motion plus and Arduino

The Wii Motion Plus and a Solarbotics adapter for easy connection

As you might know from one of my previous posts, I’ve burned (I only now start to have an idea of a possible cause…) part of my Razor 9DOF IMU board. I can still use the accelerometer and magnetometer on it, BUT the gyroscopes (though I’m sure they are both fine) can’t be accessed simply because they are not on the I2C buss and it’s impossible for me to solder wires onto them…

So I’ve decided to explore the idea of using the Wii motion plus gyroscopes instead, especially that there are several people out there that have quadcopters flying with them !  (combined or not with nunchuck accelerometers…)

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