Home improvements

Some of you will be surprised by this post, as it has nothing to do with what I usually blog about… still this is the main reason why I haven’t done any electronics projects lately, in spite of having some free time…

So here are a few pictures of my more “traditional” projects that I have been doing lately, it feels good to do some more manual/dirty work, rather than just soldering and programming 🙂

1. Clothing Rod

Clothing Rod

Clothing Rod




2. Shelf

Custom shelf supports

Custom shelf supports






3. Hand Rail & Wall Painting





Lots of sanding...

Lots of sanding…




Final result... it was ALL WHITE initially...

Final result… it was ALL WHITE initially…


4. Simple desk replacement



This desk was blocking a rarely used door and I always wanted to find a solution for that

This desk was blocking a rarely used door and I always wanted to find a solution for that


Easily lift the desk to gain access to the door

Easily lift the desk to gain access to the door


Basic / standard door hinges

Basic / standard door hinges


Oh, and the painting obviously... :)

Oh, and some (very colourful) painting… obviously ! 🙂


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