Rotary Phone -> VoIP (SIP)

Now I’m sure y’all remember my previous rotary phone revival from exactly 4 years ago… This time however, instead of transforming it into a full mobile/GSM phone, the plan is to make it more “enterprise friendly” by using VoIP, more exactly the SIP protocol.

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Retro Game on IKEA OBEGRÄNSAD LED Display – part 2

One month after I started hacking the above IKEA wall display I finally managed to finish writing the 2 (very) basic games and put everything together, ready to be displayed on a wall:

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As I was browsing for furniture in our local IKEA the other day, I noticed these “wall lamps” and their potential for hacking immediately jumped at me !

So I had no choice but to purchase one and try to find some time after almost exactly 2 years since my last project…

This is the first in a (hopefully long) series of posts that try to follow the journey.

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Bluetooth Media Button

This is a pretty straight forward project, though it still took a while to get everything fitting together nicely 🙂

The idea was to re-use this nice big volume knob from an old, analog amplifier, put it into a custom little box and make it able to control the volume of my computer.

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ePaper Calendar

I had a couple of these small ePaper boards, bought on sale a while ago, begging to be used in a project… I wasn’t sure what to do with them, until I saw James’ video about his message board.

Then it occurred to me: a small, ePaper display for my Google Calendar would be perfect ! True, we all check our phones regularly, almost compulsively, nowadays, but still, there’s nothing like having your tasks/appointments on a piece of paper ! Even if it’s of the “e” variety… 🙂

Especially if it’s for the shared family calendar, so that my wife and kids can also have it right there in front on them in the kitchen!

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Electric Long-board

When this year’s lock-down started a few months ago, I finally bought myself a long-board so that I could keep up with the kids on their bikes or scooters when exercising.
It didn’t take long before I remembered that I always wanted to build an electric "toy" that could carry myself.
I contemplated a bike, a Go Kart and others, but it’s always been pretty obvious that the easiest to attempt would be a skateboard…

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ESP8266 Temperature Logger

This is a quick post about a pretty standard Temperature (and Humidity) data logger. Yes, I’m finally jumping on the IOT bandwagon, whatever that is… 🙂

The background for this is my recent discovery that the adrenaline (epinephrine) injections that a person at risk of anaphylaxis has to carry around should normally be stored within a very tight temperature range (20-25°C with short exposures to 15-30ºC tolerated).

This came as a big surprise, especially in the context of going on a skiing holiday, so I decided to do something to at least have an idea of the temperature range that these injections experience, before going any further and thinking about how to store them better.

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Rotary Dial Phone Revival – 3 – The Headset

This is the next piece of work after step 2 that dealt with the ringing bells, and now it’s time to look into the headset and how we can connect this to the new brain of the phone.

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Rotary Dial Revival

I know it’s been a long time since my last post, but hey, at least I have an excuse…  he’s 2 and a half and knows no rest or the meaning of the phrase “staying still” 🙂

This is (hopefully) only the 1st part of a series, based around this ’70s Rotary Dial Phone from Eastern Europe. I inherited it from my grandad when he passed away a couple of years ago. This is the same phone that I remember from when I was a kid and would play with at my grandparents’ house… ok, ok, I’ll stop here with the nostalgia 🙂

So I can personally confirm it’s at least 35 years old, but probably more like 40 or 50. Most importantly it has quite a sentimental value for me, which means I have to be careful what I do with it !

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Thermal Printer Remotely Controlled through an ESP32

Again one of these things that I’ve been wanting to do for a long time, but never found the time to… having one of these little thermal printers that spit out your receipt at the till in a supermarket, and hack it to print little snippets of information like reminders or shopping lists, etc. …

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